I had my surgery on Friday morning. I had to be at the hospital at 715. My mom took me in. I had somehow thought through all the variables of the day and was doing pretty well. I checked in changed into my Johnny and grippy socks. The nurse came in checked my vitals and gave me a rundown. Surgery was scheduled 915 to 1045. I would go upstairs about a half hour before and they would start my iv and get me preped fro the or. I would get to see dr. Busconi one more time when we signed my hip then they would start the drugs and get the or ready and off I'd go.
I sat with mom for about an hour and chatted. I was laid down and wheeled upstairs. All alone with a bitch nurse in pre op. God she was mean. you could tell the whole hospital knew she was. I answered all her questions and then they came to start my iv. The anestesiologist who did my iv happen to be a triathlete so we talked events. Took my mind off the needle. Dr. Busconi came in. He and I signed my hip and he told me they just did the surgery in someone else."they were all warmed up" i asked last minute questions he told me he wanted me walking w the crutches that day! I met the rest of my team and they gave me something to relax me.
I was wheeled down into the or. I helped them out moving to the operating table. He checked the traction for my leg and the I laid back. I remember busting the resident for having a Yankee thing on and talking lacrosse. Then I was out!
The next thing I remember was waking up in the recovery room. I had a sore throat I was pretty out of it. And it felt like the largest person I could think of was standin on my hip. There was a baby who just had surgery and was screaming. I was really confused. I was told in 10 min I could move downstairs. So they came wheeled my bed downstairs and nurse checked me back in. I told her about the pain she got me a pill and something to drink. My throat was killing me from the tube. Finally they got my parents and they came in. Apparently they talked to busconi and my surgery was cleaner than they expected. He didn't have to shave my femur much the tear on the labrum wasn't bad and the synovitis cleared. There was a healed fracture in my hip from before. I had at one point fractured my hip it isn't exactly clean heal it's slightly off. I think it is from the half marathon since the pain post surgery was really close to my pain after the race. Since I haven't run since November I assume that's why it is healed. I'll have to ask when I go to post op.
I got crutches from the nurse hobbled to the bathroom. After that I was free to go. The getting in and out of the car was the worst. Luckily it was a short ride home and there was an elevator to get me to my condo. I stayed in bed for a couple hours. Pain was tough. I got up to use the bathroom again and ended up passing out. My mom and dad took care of me and I made it back to bed. Alright next post will be the follow on days.... Thanks all!
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